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Past Issues

S.No. CONTENT Page No.
The Rise of “Brics” Economies the New Phase of Globalisation
Aswani Alexander
Assistant professor Department of management St Paul institute of professional studies Indore
Assessment of Good Governance Practices In Southern Philippines
Richard Ian Mark T. Necosia, MPA
Social Sciences Department, College of Arts and Sciences,Bukidnon State University Fortich St. Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, 8700, Philippines
Study of Correlation between Achievement on the Selection Tests and Performance at the Bed Examination
Dr. Abhishek Kulshreshth
Lecturer, Department of Education, BSA College Mathura
Contribution of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar role in women Empowerment of Indian Society
Dr. Arpula Narsimha
Department of Philosophy, Osmania University, Hyderabad. T.S, INDIA.
An Evaluation of Performance Management System: A Case Study of Kumasi Technical University.
Jason Kobina Arku*, Akwasi Sarfo Agyemang**, Matilda Acquaah***, & Mrs. Ama Kyerewaa Boakye-Nti****
*Assistant Registrar, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana; **Assistant Registrar/Head of Students Affairs, Kumasi Technical University ***Assistant Registrar, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana ****Head of Human Resource, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
Conrad’s Nigger of the Narcissus: A Revaluation
Daya Ram Muzalda, & Dr. Aparna Banik,
*Research Scholar in English, School of Comparative Languages and Culture, Devi Ahila University, Indore **Associate Professor of English, SCMKVM (India)
दून घाटी की ऐतिहासिक गाथा
डाॅ0 दयाधर सेमवाल
सहायक प्राध्यापक इतिहास विभाग, राजकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविध्यालय अगस्त्यमूनी रूद्रप्रयाग