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Past Issues

S.No. CONTENT Page No.
Exploring Eco Spirit Vs. Human Life: A Study of Michael Crichton’s State of Fear
M. Prathisha,
Master of Philosophy, Department of English, Holy Cross College( Autonomous),
A Study of Dr. Ambedkar’s Ideas of Nation-Building in India
Dr. Sambhaji Sopanrao Darade
Assistant Professor, Head of Department, History, Mula Education Society’s, Arts, Commerce & Science College Sonai,Tal:-Newasa.Dist:-Ahmednagar (M.S)
Analysis of Judicial Trends on Contempt of Court
Pallavi sen* & S M Soujanya
*Assistant Professor of law, School of legal studies Reva University, Bangalore ** Assistant Professor of law, School of legal studies Reva University, Bangalore
Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for GoDot: an Eco Critical Perspective
Abhijit Choudhury
M.A. 2nd Semester, University of Science & Technology Meghalaya
गुजरात के आदिवासियों की सामाजिक व्यवस्था और भाषा
डॉ. हेतल जी. चौहाण
सूरत, गुजरात
Towards the Model of a Political Systems Using Interpretive Structural Modeling(ISM) approach
Dr. Yonas Bol deManial
Upper Nile University-Malakal